At the Jon C. Burr Foundation, our mission is to revolutionize the landscape of oral healthcare by focusing on accredited community college programs across the United States. Drawing inspiration from the roadmap developed by Bloomberg Philanthropies for the American Talent Initiative, our strategy centers on developing a robust dental hygiene workforce from the ground up.

Our journey starts with recruiting and training nontraditional students. We collaborate with schools, churches, and community centers, using social media to broaden our reach. Cooperation from schools and associations nationwide is crucial. We focus on dental hygiene programs in community colleges, aiming to boost their retention and graduation rates within eight years. Currently, most programs graduate fewer than 28 students annually. We strive to enhance their capacity through increased enrollment, better retention strategies, and special emphasis on rural initiatives.

In 2018, JCB produced "Hidden Pain," a film designed to educate and influence pending legislation that would have added oral health care to Medicaid and Medicare. It was screened on Capitol Hill and in state houses across the country, earning recognition from the American Public Health Association and being featured at their national meeting. Currently, it serves as an educational tool on social media and in schools and public health initiatives. Beyond the film, we advocate for equitable access to care for the handicapped, support grassroots projects such as Special Olympics, and organize educational events.

Meet our Founder, Betty Peebles, RDH

Betty, President of the Jon C. Burr Foundation, graduated from the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine Hygiene program. With a long and varied career spanning multiple segments of the profession, she served as an educator, accumulated 18 years of clinical practice, and founded and managed a large healthcare search firm for 30 years. Betty conceived and executed the only Dental Hygiene travel company in the USA, enabling thousands of dental hygienists to work and travel, enhancing their skills and knowledge. She retired in 2018 to establish the foundation. The foundation's mission is clear: to change how oral health is accessed, financed, and delivered, thereby bridging the longstanding coverage gap. We are not passive observers but active catalysts for transformation in the pursuit of equitable oral health access. Our mission is resolute: we are working toward a future where dental healthcare is an integral part of medical care, ensuring that every individual receives comprehensive healthcare. As Betty concludes her long career, she echoes the famous words of Angela Davis, "I'm no longer accepting things I cannot change. I'm changing the things I cannot accept." We invite you to join us; it's time.