Uniting for a Healthier Tomorrow
Forging a future where oral health is a right, not a privilege, and where every individual has access to the care they need.
In the face of a critical shortage within the dental profession, the Jon C. Burr Foundation stands as a beacon of hope, advocating for change and fostering collaboration. Our mission is clear: to address the pressing need for more dental hygienists, diversify the workforce, and expand the scope of practice. Together, we can build a future where every American has access to quality oral healthcare.
Understanding the Landscape: Employment Outlook
According to the Department of Labor Force Projection, the demand for dental hygienists is set to surge by 7% from 2022 to 2032, outpacing the average growth rate for all occupations. Projections indicate approximately 16,400 openings for dental hygienists each year for ten years. The takeaway is clear: we require more dental hygienist programs, expanded class sizes, additional instructors, and upgraded facilities in community colleges.
Current demographics reveal a stark reality: 88.9% of dental hygienists are White, with only 10.7% Latino or Hispanic, 5.5% Asian, and a mere 3.3% African American. Moreover, 95.1% are women, leaving a scant 4.9% as men. This data underscores a critical oversight in our recruitment and training efforts. It's evident that a diverse pool of bright, eager individuals awaits training, yet our current practices have failed to tap into this potential.
Our Vision
At the Jon C. Burr Foundation, we aspire to dismantle barriers to healthcare access, champion oral disease prevention through education, particularly within underserved communities, and foster a more diverse and empowered dental hygiene profession. Our vision is to cultivate a robust, diversified, and motivated workforce of dental hygienists. Achieving this entails recruiting and training students while expanding the role of hygienists in disease prevention and treatment.
Pictured below: Northern Virginia Community College Dental Hygiene Students with Betsy Di Silvio, Program Director, Dental Hygiene.